How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Idaho Falls, ID Property

wasp nest

Some of the most aggravating pests are flying insects. They keep people from being able to enjoy the outdoors, even their own Idaho Falls yard. It’s hard to go swimming, take a walk, or have a barbecue without being bothered. For those in business, buzzing bugs can discourage potential partners or customers. This is a major concern. The fear with these critters is that they can often sting and/or bite.

“Wasp” is an all-encompassing term for winged insects. Despite the broad classification, each group has specific features and risks. Learn more about local species now and how you can prevent them. Also, you can get details on how Falls Pest Services can be of assistance. 

What Wasps Are Common in Idaho Falls? What Are the Dangers?

Paper wasps, mud daubers, and yellow jackets are prevalent in the region. Paper wasps are about 1 inch long. Yellow spots adorn their brown bodies, and they have black wings. Their figures are particularly elongated, slim, and narrow, which separates them from the bees they get mistaken for. Around sheltered spaces, they form thick, paper-like nests made of plant matter and their saliva. Examples are door frames, window sills, roof eaves, and structural voids. It will have the shape of an umbrella, hence the pests occasionally being called “umbrella wasps.”

The average mud dauber is ½ of an inch long and has metallic black or blue skin. However, the size can vary and several have yellow or green markings. Their cocoons are created with mud, as their name suggests. Foundational cracks and crevices are common entryways for them. Regarding their diet, it consists of nectar, honeydew, and insect remains.

Yellowjackets are 0.39 to 0.62 of an inch long, with even more extensive wings. It’s easy to misidentify them like bees, due to their black and yellow coloring. They have fewer body hairs and slender waists though. Moreover, a few of these bugs are white and black. Nectar, sugary items, meat, and fellow insects are among the things they consume. You’ll find their nests at the ground level, like near porches, tree bases, and sidewalks. If you see an aerial one, that confirms an infestation.

Two elemental facts about wasps are:

1. They Support The Environment: The ecosystem is sustained by its feeding and pollination practices.

2. Their Stings Are Awful: With their stings come warmth, pain, itching, and inflammation. Sometimes bodily or allergic responses necessitate medical attention. Wasps can prick you multiple times.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Wasps?

When you’re detailed with your exterior maintenance, you’ll have little to no encounters with wasps. Further, it helps to improve your cleaning routines. Performing the following tasks are known to reduce stinging pest populations: 

  • Mow the lawn and trim greenery regularly. Close holes in the ground and get rid of organic debris.
  • Seed citronella, eucalyptus, and other repellent plants for gardens.
  • Set plants at least two feet away from your property; avoid overplanting.
  • Wash your vents and gutters frequently.
  • Put food and garbage in canisters with tight lids.
  • Be sure to have neat patios, decks, and roof eaves. Don’t leave food out.
  • Seal gaps in windows, doors, and foundations.
  • Contact Falls Pest Services if you have issues with insects that wasps eat.

How Will Falls Pest Services Handle Wasps?

It’s never a wise decision to approach a wasp or a nest, regardless of how docile or dormant things seem. You can’t take a chance when being stung is a possible outcome. Retail products for these bugs can worsen the problem and harm vegetation. Reach out to us at Falls Pest Services instead. Our licensed technicians will use safe treatments that will eradicate wasps long-term. Call us today to get started on our effective home pest control.