Are You Struggling With Voles In Your Pocatello Yard?


Believe it or not, rodents are the most troublesome pests Pocatello residents deal with, and voles are among the more prevalent pests in the area. Voles, or field mice, are rodents that live in the undergrowth and eat vegetation in your yard, including flowers, tree bark, and other plants you may have.

They burrow tunnels underground and eat the roots of plants, leaving your lawn unsightly in some cases. And though they don't harm humans, they're still pests that wreak havoc on your yard. If voles are ravishing your yard, give your local Pocatello pest control professionals a call today!

What Does A Vole In Pocatello Look Like?

There are many different types of rodents in Idaho, but voles are the most prevalent in Pocatello, especially in the spring and fall. But if you've never had voles and don't know what they look like, you may have trouble identifying what is destroying your yard or garden. 

Voles are heavy-bodied, small rodents with short legs and tails. Their ears are round, and their fur can be either brown or gray; their fur is very coarse. Voles can grow to as much as 5 ½ inches in length.

Being able to properly identify the types of rodents infesting your yard will be very helpful in helping you know the type of home pest control services you need. At Falls Pest Services, we've got you covered. We'll come out to your home and do a full inspection to determine which rodent is ruining your yard.

How Do You Get Voles In Your Yard?

You obviously don't host a vole buffet in your yard intentionally, but like most pests, your home likely provides food and shelter to voles, and that's why they come around and stick around. Things like excessive mulch and brush in your yard, as well as weeds, plants, flowers, and heavy vegetation, all play a role in why voles are taking over your yard.

Remember, voles are omnivores, and the more greenery you have in your yard, the longer they'll want to stay. Things like fencing your garden and placing the fence six inches in the ground will help to keep voles away, and so will castor oil, traps, and planting vole deterrent plants; these all aid in getting rid of voles and keeping them away.

Signs Of Voles In Your Garden

Vole behavior is a total giveaway that you have them in your yard.

Here are some of the obvious signs they leave:

  • Dead plants with no roots
  • Uneven grass spots where some patches are shorter than the rest of the yard
  • Gnaw marks on the bark of young trees
  • Burrows or holes in your yard

Whether you're someone who pays close attention to your yard or not, voles leave obvious evidence of their presence. Once you see it, you need to call rodent control professionals.

How To Keep Voles Away For Good! 

Voles may be considered one of the cute rodents but understand they are wild and not to be touched or brought into your home, as these are not domestic rodents and may potentially carry diseases.

These pests generally don't pose any health risks and are pretty much just a nuisance that wreaks havoc on your yard. To rid your yard of these pests, contact Falls Pest Services for vole control in your yard.